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Custom compliance training solutions designed for your business needs.

Compliance Training

Helping L&D be
Compliance Hero

Compliance training. A necessary evil. A tedious activity to manage. An unavoidable part of your business. So let's face it, it's not going anywhere. Our response to that? Bring it on!

At a time when it's easy for businesses to simply roll out a compliance program that 'ticks the box,' we make it our goal to Go Beyond the tried and tested, the dull and the monotonous, the sheer click-next-to-continuativeness that is the Compliance Conundrum.

Global businesses are now looking to L&D involvement in positioning compliance as organizational culture, and we are here to partner with your L&D team through the initiative. This is where our Go Beyond campaign has helped us move from the words 'Compliance Conundrum' to 'Compliance Challenge'.

Just like we would any other business challenge, we help your team drill down to the WHYs of your compliance
training requirements.

Not to worry-'COMPLIANCE' to the rescue!

We use these guiding questions to get to the bottom of the business need and employee perspectives towards Compliance Training.

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Does the program content speak the language of employees?

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Does the program enable employees to relate its objectives to the organizational goals?

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Does the program comprise multiple modes of content delivery?

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Does the program consider employees' prior knowledge on the subjects?

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Does the program consider learning paths for personalized learning?

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Does the program feature information that is just enough to help employees act in a compliant manner?

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Is the program able to capture and sustain employees' attention?

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Is the program messaging delivered through an engaging narrative?

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Does the program content highlight the importance of the context?

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Does the program enable employees to consume the content with ease?

Looking for Compliance Training Solutions?

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