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Equip yourself to conquer the change constant

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    A brief on the eBook:

    None is born modern. Some choose to modernize. When it comes to learning, modernization has been thrust upon business and employees so that both can stay relevant.

    Learning remains what it has always beenโ€”the one certain way to keep ahead of the curve, when the road ahead remains more uncertain than ever before. Learn to adapt and adapt your learning. Or perish.

    Come, let us take a closer look how modernization and digitalization can equip you to cope with the certainty of change.

    How and where do we begin to digitalize and modernize your learning? And how to do it right?

    Download Free eBook

    Take a quick look inside

    • Preparing for the new work world

      Automation and a new division of labor between humans and technology is set to disrupt 85 million jobs globally across 15 industries and 26 economies. Given the acceleration of technological change, there is an increasingly pressing need to retrain and redeploy talent for the new world of work.

    • Digital experience matters to Gen Z

      The new generation of learners focus on learning new things using devices and technologies they use every day. They reach for and expect answers just when they need it during the workflow. The digital experience is a significant component of work culture for them.

    • Modern learning needs engaging transformation

      Learning is now an integral part of work. It must partner with and meet the expectations of other functions in the most collaborative, intuitive, sensible way. Top learning tools are no longer the traditional learning tools. Today change is speedy, knowledge is speedy, and so learning must also be quick to respond.

    • Engagement matters more than ever

      Motivation and practice are essential to engage modern learners. Active experimentation is an excellent way to build soft skills and improve operational knowledge. Hands-on practice has the power to make learning more memorable.

    • Proven expertise

      Whether it is converting ILT to VILT or Flash to HTML5, learn how Upside Learning approaches various facets of modernization and digitalization. Explore case studies before we get together to put your learning ahead.