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Gamification of Workplace Learning

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    A brief on the eBook:

    Games are a waste of time unless after homework. Gamification is the way ahead for serious learning at the workplace. What is your take?

    Before you answer that you will want to read this eBook.

    Because gamification is the game you want to win. Just the spark you need to keep your team hooked to the idea of growth while the organization reaps the impact.

    The book will tell you the reason that is probably stopping you from grabbing gamification is just a mirage. And this eBook will steer you away from the traps along the way.

    At the end of it all (Surprise!), this book will make it easy for you to get a flying start in gamification without ruffling too many budget feathers.

    Download Free eBook

    This is a sampling of what you will read minutes later after you download.

    • Learn and work to win

      Most members of your team, including those waiting to get on board are likely keen gamers already. Serve your today’s learners and tomorrow’s champions the flavor they love—gaming.

    • Why gamify

      People enjoy play. That is driven by the need to succeed. Gamification prepares learners for enjoyable winning.

    • Game-way, learn-way

      Gaming is conducive to learning. No learning mountain is too high if you throw in the right blend of challenge and fun.

    • Learner in control

      Gaming is the only mode of learning where the learner is firmly in control. You fail. You push on. You are emotionally invested in trying until you win. You get better with every try.

    • 5 steps to gamification

      It is great fun, but no step is far from the business objectives of learning. When your players strive to win, the organization strikes it rich too.

    • 13 mistakes to avoid

      It is easy to get carried away unless you know the pitfalls and their co-ordinates. This book will tell you about the most common mistakes and then some more.

    • Taste the pudding

      That’s the surprise! Where you take on a gamification experience by the horns and discover the demons were all in your mind.