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new eBook!

Upside Learning’s latest eBook covers the whole nine yards of eLearning outsourcing.

It’s old news that eLearning outsourcing has gained traction. According to a recent Brandon Hall report, “Content development seen as a priority or critical task by 68% of companies, second only to leadership development in importance. The driving factors are multi-faceted, including the lack of expertise being one of them.

However, in a stark contrast the study also found that, “62% of companies have replaced outsourcing providers in last 3 years.”

Most organisations jump into the eLearning outsourcing bandwagon without giving it much thought and end up making the wrong choices. In an attempt to address this issue, Upside Learning, a global eLearning outsourcing service provider released its latest, free eBook titled ‘eLearning Outsourcing 101‘.

The eBook covers the essential aspects related to considerations that drive any eLearning outsourcing venture, the benefits it can offer and also some tips on how to do it right.

To download a free copy of the eBook-‘eLearning Outsourcing 101‘, click here.