Week 21


23 May, 2024




Thinking ‘Performance’ and Not Just ‘Learning’


Too often, what L&D has focused on is ‘learning’. However, that is a problematic approach. Organizations need people able to be able to do things and not just learn. That’s the real goal – A focus on performance.


Our latest eBook addresses this important gap. From understanding the shift from 'knowledge' to 'application' to building a ‘performance ecosystem’ that drives business results, this eBook has it all!


Explore practical steps and case studies to:

  • Bridge the gap between learning and application.
  • Foster innovation and adaptability within your organization
  • Design effective job aids for enhanced performance.
  • Create learning experiences that lead to behavior change.
  • Evaluate learning interventions for maximum impact!

Ready to move from a ‘learning’ focus to a ‘performance’ focus?

Download Now

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